Hand-picked remote opportunities for freelance video editors and motion designers, delivered to your inbox.

What is The Frame Squad?

Your secret weapon to find clients and projects.
An email subscription service for freelance video editors and motion designers informing you of the latest remote, high-quality, paid opportunities around the world.

How it works.

We constantly research for paid opportunities utilizing our extensive experience and industry knowledge as freelance video editors. We then email you as soon as we find a new opportunity, so you can apply immediately and get a chance to work on a new project and potentially acquire a new long-term client.

High-quality leads.

In an industry filled with low-paying projects, oversaturated freelancing platforms and their race to the bottom, we filter out all the noise, find hidden opportunities and only send you the highest quality leads.

Never miss opportunities.

Like many things in life, finding clients is a matter of chances. The more you search, the more you apply, the more work you will get. But you can’t search all the time, especially if you are currently busy working on some project. That’s why we do that for you.

Zero commissions.

We don’t stand between you and your clients. We don’t take any commission from your pay.

By video editors, for video editors.

We are freelancer video editors who created the service they wish existed for themselves.

Who can join.

Freelance video editors and motion designer with a quality portfolio, charging no less than $30 per hour.

Apply to join The Frame Squad and
start finding more clients.

$19 per month. Cancel anytime.